The Indian Engineer

Problem 299 Bulls and Cows

Posted on 3 mins

Hash-Map String Frequency-Count

Problem Statement

Link - Problem 299


You are playing the Bulls and Cows game with your friend.

You write down a secret number and ask your friend to guess what the number is. When your friend makes a guess, you provide a hint with the following info:

Given the secret number secret and your friend’s guess guess, return the hint for your friend’s guess.

The hint should be formatted as "xAyB", where x is the number of bulls and y is the number of cows. Note that both secret and guess may contain duplicate digits.

Example 1

Input: secret = "1807", guess = "7810"
Output: "1A3B"
Explanation: Bulls are connected with a '|' and cows are underlined:

Example 2

Input: secret = "1123", guess = "0111"
Output: "1A1B"
Explanation: Bulls are connected with a '|' and cows are underlined:
"1123"        "1123"
  |      or     |
"0111"        "0111"
Note that only one of the two unmatched 1s is counted as a cow
since the non-bull digits can only be rearranged to allow one 1 to be a bull.


- `1 <= secret.length, guess.length <= 1000`
- `secret.length == guess.length`
- `secret` and `guess` consist of digits only.


class Solution {
    string getHint(string secret, string guess) {
        vector<int> s(10, 0);
        vector<int> g(10, 0);
        int bull = 0, cow = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < secret.size(); i++) {
            if (secret[i] == guess[i]) {
            } else {
                s[secret[i] - '0']++;
                g[guess[i] - '0']++;

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            cow += min(s[i], g[i]);

        return to_string(bull) + 'A' + to_string(cow) + 'B';

Complexity Analysis

| Algorithm | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
| --------- | --------------- | ---------------- |
| Traversal | O(n)            | O(n)             |


1. Intuition

- We can count the frequencies of digits in `secret` and `guess`.
- After that bulls will be the count of matching characters in given string.
- Cows will be the sum of minimum of frequencies of each digit in `secret` and `guess`.
- Sum of minimums works because
  - if the frequency of a digit `k` is less in guess then it means, `k` digits are present but in wrong places.
  - if the frequency of a digit `k` is less in secert it means only `k` digits are present but are in wrong places.
- return in `xAyB` format.

2. Implementation

- Initialize two vectors `s` and `g` to count the frequencies of digits.
- Iterate over the strings
- if the characters are matching then increment the `bull` count.
- else increment the frequencies of digits in `s` and `g`.
- Iterate over the frequencies of digits and calculate the `cow` count.
  - cow will be the sum of minimum of frequencies of digits in `s` and `g`.
- return the `xAyB` format.