The Indian Engineer

Problem 1829 Maximum XOR for Each Query

Posted on 5 mins

Array Bit-Manipulation Prefix-Sum

Problem Statement

Link - Problem 1829


You are given a sorted array nums of n non-negative integers and an integer maximumBit. You want to perform the following query n times:

  1. Find a non-negative integer k < 2maximumBit such that nums[0] XOR nums[1] XOR ... XOR nums[nums.length-1] XOR k is maximized. k is the answer to the ith query.
  2. Remove the last element from the current array nums.

Return an array answer, where answer[i] is the answer to the ith query.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [0,1,1,3], maximumBit = 2
Output: [0,3,2,3]
Explanation: The queries are answered as follows:
1st query: nums = [0,1,1,3], k = 0 since 0 XOR 1 XOR 1 XOR 3 XOR 0 = 3.
2nd query: nums = [0,1,1], k = 3 since 0 XOR 1 XOR 1 XOR 3 = 3.
3rd query: nums = [0,1], k = 2 since 0 XOR 1 XOR 2 = 3.
4th query: nums = [0], k = 3 since 0 XOR 3 = 3.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [2,3,4,7], maximumBit = 3
Output: [5,2,6,5]
Explanation: The queries are answered as follows:
1st query: nums = [2,3,4,7], k = 5 since 2 XOR 3 XOR 4 XOR 7 XOR 5 = 7.
2nd query: nums = [2,3,4], k = 2 since 2 XOR 3 XOR 4 XOR 2 = 7.
3rd query: nums = [2,3], k = 6 since 2 XOR 3 XOR 6 = 7.
4th query: nums = [2], k = 5 since 2 XOR 5 = 7.

Example 3:

Input: nums = [0,1,2,2,5,7], maximumBit = 3
Output: [4,3,6,4,6,7]



class Solution {
    vector<int> getMaximumXor(vector<int>& nums, int maximumBit) {
        int max_result = (1<<maximumBit)-1;
        int prefix_xor = 0;


        for(int i=0;i<nums.size();i++){
            result[nums.size()-1-i] = prefix_xor^max_result;

        return result;


Complexity Analysis

| Algorithm                     | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
| ----------------------------- | --------------- | ---------------- |
| Prefix XOR Array Construction | O(n)            | O(n)             |


Intial Thoughts

First, think about what the XOR operation does, it’s like a light switch that turns a bit on or off depending on the input. Then, the goal is to maximize the result, so we should aim to flip as many bits as possible to 1. Given the maximumBit constraint, we need to understand its connection to 2^maximumBit. Think about how this limit can be used to find the maximum value. Lastly, consider how to utilize the prefix XOR to track the current sum and compute the final result.

Intuitive Analysis

To intuitively solve the problem, consider the prefix XOR as a cumulative sum of the current array. Maximize the result by finding the maximum possible value that fits within the 2^maximumBit constraint. The idea of maximizing the result can be linked to flipping all the available bits, which leads to the max_result variable in the solution. Notice that the solution uses this variable in conjunction with the prefix XOR to compute the final result for each step. Lastly, observe how the order of computation is reversed, meaning that the solution processes the array from the end to the beginning, which indicates that the most recently computed prefix XOR is used first.

1. Intuition

2. Implementation

Complexity Analysis

Time Complexity:

Space Complexity:


This question is rated as Medium difficulty.


Note that the maximum possible XOR result is always 2^(maximumBit) - 1

So the answer for a prefix is the XOR of that prefix XORed with 2^(maximumBit)-1

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